WHEN CHRISTMAS WAS A GIFT “...the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23 I think it would be safe to assume that up until a few decades ago the great majority of all households in Australia celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas. Who doesn’t remember, when as children, our sheer pleasure of opening parcels with a variety of oohs and aahs as we ripped away the wrapping? We all know this ‘ritual of Christmas’ was played out by believers and unbelievers alike and in many cases its message was soon lost on families as the busyness of life re-engulfed most of our population. Today in this country, and I venture to say, in a growing number of Western Countries, Christmas has, at best, become something of a joke, or even a dirty word in million of homes across these lands. Third World cultures and First World cultures are facing off in ways never seen before and the atheists of this world hav...
Showing posts from December 1, 2012