“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Gen. 1:1

Over the last one hundred and fifty years many people, including members of the clergy, have openly departed from the faith.
Many, many more whilst retaining their vocation in the ministry, have secretly stopped believing in the Genesis account of creation and embraced a form of ‘evolutionist creationism’.
This “two bob each way” form of Christianity has contributed to, and hastened, the decay we see in our theology today.
Where once our preachers stood their ground and thundered at the apostasy of Charles Darwin and his cohorts, we see countless numbers of our leaders hiding behind a weakened Gospel, which is no Gospel at all. To abandon the plain teaching of the Bible on Creation and claim it as nothing more than “myth” or “allegory” is capitulation in its worst form.
 If one were to make a study of this apostasy it should first be noted that no real “handbook” on the “theology of evolution” exists. Even Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species”, proved to be little more than an embryonic essay which used “natural selection” to feed his growing unbelief. He states: ‘I am convinced that natural selection has been the main but not the exclusive means of modification.’ The great tragedy is that his sympathetic, atheistic cohorts were able to hijack his writings and use them to their own advantage. Today, mutation, natural selection and time, have become the ‘name of the game’.
In 1986, Richard Dawkins wrote The Blind Watchmaker, an attack on the argument that design in the living world demonstrates an intelligent Designer; rather, the apparent design is the result of evolution by natural selection. He regards that as a vital argument for his own atheistic faith:
    “An atheist before Darwin could have said, following Hume: ‘I have no explanation for complex biological design. All I know is that God isn’t a good explanation, so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one.’ I can’t help feeling that such a position, though logically sound, would have left one feeling pretty unsatisfied, and that although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist.”

If there be a constant in the thinking of most evolutionists it is this: “Out of nothing, nothing spoke to nothing, yet something responded and life began.”
In direct contrast to the Biblical account of creation, where God spoke to nothingness, and the heavens and the earth were formed, the evolutionists reject a creating God and prefer instead the happenstance of life!

I recently came across a somewhat juvenile piece of writing which attempted to lay out for young readers the concept of evolution. No doubt, whilst the Professors Hawkins and Dawkins of this world might laugh at this piece, it none-the-less presents a case which most in their camp believe.   
“According to most of the astro-physicists (men who study space, stars and planets) a piece of primal matter was in the enormous extensive emptiness about 16 billion years ago. This piece of primal matter held the entire universe: all protons, electrons, neutrons and all energy. Long ago this primal matter burst open. This is called the 'Big Bang'. From that moment the primal matter spread out into the emptiness. Groups of stars floated away together. These groups are called galaxies. There are probably hundreds of galaxies. One galaxy consists of thousands of star systems revolving around a common centre. A star system consists of one or two stars surrounded with pieces of matter.
Our solar system is a star system. The sun is a star. Ten big planets are revolving around our sun. Between the planets Mars and Jupiter is a belt of large pieces of matter. These pieces are probably the remnants of a planet that exploded. One of the ten planets is our planet.
In 1951, the American, Miller succeeded to form organic matter out of a mixture of ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), hydrogen (H2) and water (H2O) by exposing this mixture to an electric current. During the experiments different organic mixtures were formed, among them amino acids and nuclein (sic) acids.
These acids are essential for the building of proteins and chromosomes. It is possible that these circumstances also occurred in the past. In the primal atmosphere, which was cooling down, the composition of matter was probably the same as in Miller's experiments. Through lightning organic connections were formed and fell into the prehistoric seas. Through evaporation of the inside seas, concentration might have occurred, giving rise to organic "primal soup". In this primal soup first bigger molecules were formed and later the first forms of life. This origin of life out of lifeless matter is called biogenesis.
About 3.5 billion years ago the first one-celled life forms were formed..."                                                                                          
Stephen Hawkins has moved on from a single “Big Bang” theory and now embraces the “M Theory” which posits that multiple universes are created out of nothing, with many possible histories and many possible states of existence. In only a few of these states would life be possible, he states, and in fewer still could something like humanity exist. These latter day big bangs are still occurring, prompting him to state that “...he felt fortunate to be living in this state of existence" (presumably, he believes he could, in fact, have existed in another universe somewhere out there).  
           From: "The Origin of the Universe," at Caltech, Pasadena CA. on April 16, 2013.

Man takes those things ‘which do appear’, that is, the things that occur naturally, and fashions them into items of use.
God, on the other hand, spoke to the great void of nothingness, and created all that is today, seen and unseen!
It is when God is eliminated from any research of the Cosmos that man will turn the ‘theories’ of Science and already Darwin and his ‘natural selection’ have mutated into ‘evolution and chance’.     Evolution itself has not remained static for it has evolved unrelentingly as new theories emerge at a rate of knots!
Einstein, for example, has drifted in and out of favour for almost a century and no doubt Hawkins and his bright ideas will suffer the same fate. That which is hailed as a new truth today is often “old hat” tomorrow! As Paul declared... “It is through faith we understand” the things of Creation!

Those without faith will never understand God’s creative nature and power and will cling to their “big bangs” until the day they stand before Christ at the Great White Throne of God.

Let us give thanks to God for every scientist (and there are many) who plies his trade with Christ in his or her heart. It is truly these folk who stand as God’s bulwark against complete apostasy in the scientific community.                                                                         
                                                                                                    Rod Rowland 


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