By Rod Rowland

And  these signs shall follow them that believe... And they went forth, and preached  every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.”  Mark 16:17 & 20
After almost three and a half decades in and around the Pentecostal, and Charismatic movements I have seen and been a participant in events which some might call “bizarre”.
Some of which I have repented my involvement, while others, to this day, I still praise the Lord that I was privileged to witness His power and His might at work in His Church!
In and of itself, a bizarre event or behaviour is not necessarily something to be shunned as the workings of the devil, for the word simply means “strange or unusual”. (Oxford Dict. It is left to the synonyms to take us further into the extreme meanings).
For example, to throw an iron axe-head into water and expect it to float may seem bizarre to some, but Scripture describes this very act, does it not? What is more bizarre than to have an ass speaking to and warning a human being of God’s impending wrath?
The twofold hallmark of the Christian Church has stood unchanged for almost two millennia. Firstly Christ commanded that we in His Church “love one another as He Loved us” (John 13:34) and secondly, He commissioned His Church to go forth and preach His Gospel “with signs following”! So it was, that for almost four hundred years the followers of Christ enjoyed the communion of the Holy Spirit as He confirmed the Gospel of Christ with manifold signs and wonders in their midst.
With the advent of the Emperor Constantine and his admixture church, apostasy, manipulation, and downright heresy poisoned the waters of the Church throughout the Dark Ages, so much so that the ministry of the Holy Spirit was completely absent from the visible Church. History itself teaches us that this was the very reason for naming those years the “Dark Ages” - the light of the Gospel had been dimmed almost to the point of extinction!
Seen only in very small pockets of faithful believers who had withstood the pogroms of the Caesars, in and out of Rome, the signs and wonders of the Church were reduced to a mere shadow of that which had been in the early Church.
So it remained, until after the Reformation and to the great Revivals of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Strangely, even in the midst of those wonderful Holy Ghost revivals we find a line of separation drawn by those who supported signs and wonders in the Church and those who considered the miraculous as something akin to the works of the devil!
The Church at large owes our Lord a heartfelt apology for her unbelief and her quenching of the Holy Spirit. However, by the same token I believe great sections of the visible ‘church’ today need to repent of its mad obsession with its false signs and false wonders!
When Jesus commissioned His Church to go into all the world and preach the Gospel He laid down a strict criteria, by which the Holy Spirit would confirm the preaching with “signs following”.
Very simply, our Lord instructed His followers to “...preach the gospel to every creature...” Some might conjecture here... “Are you serious? Surely it can’t be that simple, can it?”
It may sound silly to press this issue, but beloved, if what is being preached is not true Gospel, then no-one has any right to expect the Holy Spirit to confirm the “preaching” with signs following!
It is at this point that desperate and cunning minds seek to “conjure up” their own “miracles and magic tricks” to justify their ministry and control their followers! Oh, and of course, in the manner of Simon, of Acts 8, to make money from God’s people.
That said, what then are we make of those ministries which claim “miracles” and “signs and wonders” when it is obvious that the gospel being preached is NOT the gospel of Jesus Christ?
The world has a quaint and somewhat simplistic method of judging something or someone as to its authenticity... “If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck - then in all probability it is a duck!” That may be good and fine when it comes to ducks, but when applied to the workings of the Holy Spirit it is a sure recipe for disaster!
To apply this “duck theory” to the Holy Spirit and His workings is naivety at its worst and leaves the vulnerable in the Church open to deception of the worst kind.
Many of us in the Church, myself included, believe that we are in the “last days” of the Church Era and delight in the expectation of our Lord’s immanent return for His people.
Sadly many of these same people, whilst believing the Good News of our Lord’s return, willingly ignore His warnings about the “lying signs and wonders” and the deception that would abound prior to His return. Often these folk are the first to condemn God’s Watchmen when they sound clear warnings about these false revivals and lying signs and wonders!  “Critical” and “unloving” are two words of abuse which spring to mind when our courageous brethren stand firm in exposing these charlatans and their “miracles”, and “Touch not God’s anointed” and “Beware lest you be found to blaspheme the Holy Spirit” are two scriptures readily heaped upon those who dare to discern.
It is not possible to enumerate the endless list of questionable signs and wonders which are being held up as true miracles of God here, but suffice to say again... if it is not the true Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached, then it cannot be a true sign or wonder that is being claimed. If it is not in the scriptures... don’t do it!
Jesus issued a very sober warning in His denunciation of false prophets and false miracle workers in Matthew 7:21-23...
“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
At risk of repeating myself, (from our last issue) I want to state again John Wesley’s grim commentary on the passage: I never knew you”. Wesley states:” - In sayingThere never was a time that I (Christ) approved of you, he believes our Lord is warning that whilst many souls had been saved under the ministry of these apostates, they themselves were never saved from their sins.”
What then are we to make of the possibility of someone receiving a healing under the preaching of a false gospel or a false preacher?
Using the gist of Wesley’s commentary to deal with this occurrence, we must allow a Sovereign God to act according to his will and purpose in the lives of all who love His Son.
God will always hear the cries of the heart of His faithful children and Wesley noted that the preacher, though deliberately and willingly breaking the laws of God, may still preach the Gospel perfectly, thus bringing souls to salvation or healing.

However, any preacher knowingly and rebelliously preaching a false gospel is quite another thing - but here again our merciful God may work His own will and purposes in the life of His son or daughter, not glorifying the sinful preacher but revealing Himself to the individual.
The apostle Paul, in dealing with the “perversion” of the Gospel in the midst of the Galatians, spoke thus: O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth… Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?  ...He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?”
Paul makes the point that any miracles done in their midst was done by those who ministered the Spirit of Truth, not by those who offered the works of the Law. Why should we have any illusion that these end-time deceivers in our midst work their “miracles” by anything other than the works of illusion or trickery!
It makes no sense to believe that a ministry, a church, or any religious movement which preaches another Jesus, or another gospel, will have the blessing or sanction of the Spirit of God - it is just not possible.
I urge our readers to study the account of Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8:9-24. 



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