“And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.”        Romans 13:11-14.

This past twelve months has proved to have been something of a “culture shock” to this writer, for not only have I ventured into the company of the unsaved of the world, in order to reach them with the Gospel, and at the same time keep physically active, I have also reeled to and fro in the company of the “questionable” in the Church!
One has to be very careful about making judgment about the salvation, or otherwise, of those who profess a faith in the Lord Jesus, - so I do not make any such judgment!
However, an observation of what is presented to the “visitor” in some Churches today is sometimes so stark, that one must wonder whether the Holy Spirit of God can even be in these places!It was reported in my article “The Changing Face of the Church” (July 2005) that my visits to quite a few local Churches had produced a somewhat pleasing note to my spirit, having found a mostly pure Gospel message preached from the pulpits.

I must confess that I may have rushed to judgment a trifle too quickly!
Perhaps in my desire to see Christ in the midst of His people, or perhaps I was just fortunate to strike some Churches on a good day, but beloved, I must report a quite different story on subsequent visits, or my first time visits to other venues.

Please do not think I am happy to write this way. I am not! My heart longed for an anointing of the Holy Spirit, yet I found it but sparingly. There were occasions when the Spirit was present but that was generally in the smaller congregations led of godly men, faithful to the Scriptures.
Almost every Church visited was following some “man made” program for church growth, and most were following the American “success” stories for building their Mega Churches.
One, and one only sermon among many dozens, preached a message of holiness and right living before God, and not once did I hear a message on the nearness of our Lord’s return.
Of a truth, one must wonder if the Success, Wealth and Prosperity Gurus of the Western Church have indeed won the day,
for one of the most popular, if not the most popular, prosperity teachers in the world today has been quoted as saying, “You have heard about the coming of Jesus. You’ve heard He can return at any time. I tell you, that’s impossible. He can’t come until your prospering  - until you get your nice car, until you have your dream house. HE SIMPLY CAN’T COME UNTIL THEN. No wonder some people don’t want to see the Lord’s return, they are having too good a time here on earth!

Call me old fashioned if you will, but beloved, where is the fear of the Lord! Where is the reverence for God that once forced men and women to their knees in humility.Instead, we see multitudes, demanding of God, that He bless their every endeavour, whether it be of the Holy Spirit or not!

Men, and women, today stand with hands upon their hips (metaphorically speaking) and claim their wealth and success in a manner that would make even the unsaved blush!
In this vein, and in somewhat contradictory terms, this material, wealthy Western Church, (the Laodicean Church of Rev. 3?) has decided to “dress down” for Church and it seems, anything goes. “God looks upon the heart man. He don’t care what we wear as long as we’re in His Big House”, or so I have been told.
The poorest in their best is one thing, but, as many do, to dress for God’s house as if one has interrupted their gardening, or a fishing trip to attend Church, is quite something else!
I have been forced to flee at least three or four Churches after just two or three “songs of worship” in the fear that my ear drums would burst. Others I have tolerated in the hope that I might be rewarded with a message that might glorify our Lord. However, more often than not, the sermon reflected the worship...loud and empty!
Amongst the very few exceptions to the rule was a Baptist Church, which I hesitate to name for fear of starting a stampede of our readers to their door, their worship is anointed and the preaching, a blessing. What I am saying is, as difficult as it to find a satisfactory home Church, Christians must seek to be in constant fellowship if possible. Dear reader, the Church appears to be asleep! Each cell, though separate, seems to be caught up in the same stupor of “success in numbers of seats filled”, mostly at the cost of faithfulness to Christ’s calling to His Church. 
Surely, “numbers” belong to God, and the ministers of the Church, through their God given ministries are “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12-13), not for the building of their own empires.

Church, It is time for the saints of God to awake from our slumbers. Too many have slept too soundly, allowing the leaderships to wrest away our own responsibilities for holy living and righteous behaviour.
How easy it has become to have some “pastor” pat you on the back and tell you your sin does not matter, for God loves you, no matter what! “..awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise” Eph 5:14-15.   
                                                                                                                                            Rod Rowland.


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