“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”
Galatians 1:8

The thought of interaction with angelic beings has occupied the minds of mankind from the dawn of Creation and continues until this day. In the first century AD the apostle Paul, in an almost throw-away fashion, simply stated that angels and humans can, and do, communicate with each other. He further confirmed that this was possible with...Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13: 1-2
A study of angels in the Holy Scriptures reveals that “angel” and “angels” are mentioned some 280 times. Secular writings about angels over the centuries would possibly total in the millions.  Fiction and non-fiction accounts of angels showing themselves to mankind have kept the printing presses rolling at an amazing rate.
Our article is not concerned with the secular, except to show some of the attitudes that the unsaved  folk hold towards these fascinating creatures. 
Paul warned his Christian readers to tread very carefully concerning our angelic friends for some had involved themselves in the unhealthy practice of “angel worship”: “Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels...”  Colossians 2:18.  Whether it be those who look upon angels as their ‘intercessors’ before God, or indeed those who make the angels the very object of their worship - involvement with any angelic being can be fraught with danger.
It never ceases to amaze me how many of the recent “prophets and healers” on the world stage, proclaim the fact that they were “called to the ministry” by some known or unknown guiding angel!
Please do not misunderstand me, I firmly acknowledge and believe that God has placed a ministering angel beside each and every one of His saints (Hebrews 1:14), but beloved, I refuse to believe that said angels are sent to call any man or woman to the ministries of God! That is a task which falls only to the Lord Himself by His Holy Spirit!
Research into those most prominent in the “Healing Movement” from the middle of the last century will quickly reveal the commonality of an angelic “calling”.
William Branham, for example, credits his calling and his ministerial gifts to his “special angel”. Branham often referred to his “troublesome angel” as “The Angel of the Lord from the Old Testament.” This “angel” began appearing to Branham from the age of seven. 
Bob Jones, “prophet from the Kansa City Five”, claims that when he was nine years old living in Arkansas, an angel carrying a “great trumpet” came riding down from the sky on a white horse and stopped before him in the middle of a dirt road. Four years later, at age thirteen, he claims he was escorted to the throne room of God in heaven by that same angel. It was Jones who was first to identify this being as Emma, The Angel of the Lord.
It was this “angel” whom he credits with starting the healing/prophetic movement!               
Please “Google” - ‘Let us Reason’/Bob Jones: A Tail of a Prophet”
Some 60 years latter, Todd Bentley from the Lakeland fiasco, resurrects this same “angel” as his personal “angelic assistant” and also refers to “it,” as Emma, William Branham’s angel .
Kenneth Hagin, a contemporary of Branham also told of his “angels” who visited him regularly and were at his beck and call. Hagin claimed that Jesus Christ allegedly further taught Hagin that he had personal angels who could be commanded to do his bidding. Hagin said Christ told him in 1963 that the angels were waiting for his command to provide his material desires: "They are waiting on you to give them the order, just as the waitress can’t do anything for you until you give her the order"                                           
 Hagin- "I Believe in Visions", p.126
Angels figure strongly in The Word of Faith Movement and most of its adherents are quick to relate their experiences with their angelic visitors. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s for example, follow the Hagin line of commanding the angels to do their bidding.
Gloria writes; “Your last words either put the angels to work, or force them to step back, bow their heads, and fold their hands, your angels are waiting for you to give them words to bring to pass.”                                                                      
 “God’s Will Is Prosperity” Pg 91.
Benny Hinn professes an almost continuous repartee with his angel visitors and declares that his spiritual guidance now comes in the form of Kathryn Kuhlman’s departed spirit!!!
One commentator sees Hinn’s journey into necromancy thus: “Hinn has long been infatuated with the late faith healer, Kathryn Kuhlman. His books and sermons are replete with the impact she supposedly made on his life and ministry. Now, Hinn has her as a female spirit guide. And with this claim, he is introducing a deadly spiritist virus to his followers.”   G. Richard Fisher - “Personal Freedom Outreach”
Ellen G. White, founder of The Seventh Day Adventist Church was another who worked closely with her “accompanying angel”. She claimed it was this angel who revealed to her the hidden truths of the Bible.   Present Truth”, 1849. pp 21-22.
All Mormon “truths” are based upon the revelations given by the angel Moroni to Joseph Smith. The list goes on, in fact, almost all false religions, including Islam, and apostate ‘Christianity’, have their roots in angelic influence. Hindus and Buddhists have little to do with their “angel gods”.
It is obvious that Paul’s warnings concerning our unhealthy relationships with the angels have gone largely unheeded!  
Contrary to the popular view that all things religious are on the decline, recent surveys here and abroad show an increase of interest regarding things spiritual. The West, whilst still holding a high regard for these things, shows a waning interest in organized religion. “Doing Church”, it seems, has almost reached its use by date in Australia, as the greater part of the population turns away from the “traditional”, to seek ‘truth’ elsewhere. A Sydney Morning Herald survey recently showed:
66% of Australians claim that a spiritual life is important to them, and                                             
51% of all Australians still believe in angels!
68% believe in God 
94% believe Jesus was an historical figure
92% are “fairly confident” Jesus was the Son of God... (These 2 stats seem a bit confusing, given a 24% score for atheism)
15% believe that Jesus' resurrection was an actual historical event
28% believe in the virgin birth of Jesus
53% believe in life after death
53% believe in heaven
37% believe in the devil
38% believe in hell
33% pray or meditate at least weekly
However, only 17% attended a church service more than once a month! 
Even Australia’s hard core clan of atheists (24%) has a 30% lobby for things spiritual. This group confess to having turned their back on God but not on things “spiritual”, which makes no sense at all to this writer. So, here we have snapshot of the place angels (and spiritual things) hold in the minds of most Aussies.
As the source of all truth, the Holy Scriptures attest angels do exist. However, be sure of this, dear reader, throughout those scriptures the Godhead alone, is the only motivating force behind every action undertaken by His angelic messengers - not man and not Satan.
The devil, without doubt, retains his control over the powers of darkness and the accursed angels, so be certain of this, he is ready to deceive and destroy those who will wantonly disregard the warnings of Paul, and others, and treat the angelic world as their private playground! 
How gracious of our heavenly Father to grant us the privilege of knowing that He has given us all our own ministering angel! However, that knowledge does not give us the right to think that these magnificent creatures are here at our beck and call, and neither are they there to fill ones life with   celestial trinkets such as “angel feathers and jewels from heaven”.  Rod Rowland


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